Saturday 19 September 2009


This makes a great "cheesey" sauce base that can be kept in the fridge for 6 weeks. It can be used in lasagne, macaroni and cheese, tortilla casseroles, pasta alfredo, or just over steamed vegies.

This recipe is take from the website and was originally posted by a user called Dragonfly, where it is titled "Dragonfly's Bulk Dry Uncheese Mix".

It is vegan, and gluten and soy free. It tastes delicious.



3 cups raw cashews
2 cups nutritional yeast*
3 Tbsp Herbamare seasoning salt (or whatever salt you have)
3 Tbsp garlic powder
3 Tbsp onion powder
8 Tbsp arrowroot powder


1. In a very dry food processor, blend the cashews until they are very fine and powdery. Pour out of the processor and into a dry bowl.

2. Put half of each of the ingredients into the food processor and blend until very fine and combined. Pour out of the food processor and into a dry container.

3. Repeat step 2 with the second half of the ingredients.


To make it into a sauce:

1. Take a heaped 1/2 cup of the mixture and place it into a saucepan

2. Slowly add 1 cup of water and whisk constantly over a medium high heat until thickened. The constant whisking will hurt a little, but it is important to produce a smooth, stretchy cheese.

* Nutritional yeast is high in complete-proteins and vitamins (especially vitamin B-12). It gives a lovely cheesey flavour. You can find Lotus Savoury Yeast Flakes (or other varieties) in your local supermarket in the healthfood section, or even in healthfood stores. As an example, and so you can see the brand I use, see the link to the Cruelty-Free Shop

Source: Booklet from "Introduction to Vegan Cuisine" at the Leichhardt Community College. Tutor: Leigh Drew

Serves: 4 (per 1/2 cup of mixture)

Rating: 4.5/5

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