Saturday, 29 March 2008

Path of the vegetarian

So, I've decided to dedicate this blogsite purely to my vegetarian recipes.

This way, I can direct my friends here, I can find my recipes on the go, and I can let others know of the wonders of vegetarian cooking!

I tried to go vego a few years ago, but I just didn't have the support, and I didn't know enough about being a vegetarian and how to eat properly, so I didn't get enough nutrients.

Being vegetarian is not about simply cutting out the meat in your diet. You've got to add other things in too! One of the biggest mistakes new vegetarians make is they replace the meat in their diet with cheese! Hello excess fat! Or, they think that tofu is the only protein you can get...wrong again.

I hope you enjoy my recipes. I will rate them as I go. Please feel free to do that too!

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