Sunday, 14 June 2009

Red Cabbage Rolls

This dish looks very pretty and may appeal to those who do not like "vegies".

It contains 5g of protein and is an excellent source of Vitamins A & C, as well as being a good source of potasium, Vitamin B1, iron and zinc.

Red Cabbage Rolls


8 red cabbage leaves
1 cup water
1 cup apple juice
2 Tbsp wine vinegar
2 tsp honey


1 cup cooked rice
1 carrot, grated
1 Lebanese cucumber, cut into thin strips
1/2 cup chopped fresh mint
2 Tbsp soy sauce
2 Tbsp sunflower seeds


1. Remove the coarse centre rib from each cabbage leaf. In a large saucepan, combine the water, apple juice, vinegar and honey, and bring to the boil. Add 2 cabbage leaves and allow them to cook for 1-2 minutes. Remove, then repeat with the remaining leaves.

2. Combine all the filling ingredients and mix well. Place spoonful of this mixture on each cabbage leaf and roll up to form a firm parcel, tucking in edges as you go.

3. Serve cold or place the rolls in an oiled shallow ovenproof dish, cover and heat in a moderate oven for 10 minutes.

Source: Stanton, R. (2000) Vegetables, Allen & Unwin: St Leonards.

Serves: 4

Rating: 4

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